Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Puff Paint on my T-Shirt

I've been crafting for many years. Thanks to my friend Jo, who got me started on patchwork and quilting, my cupboards and boxes are bursting with every kind of fabric craft paraphernalia available. Whether it's expensive fabrics and tools from overseas or little treasures found in the flea markets in Suzhou and Shanghai, I have them. Often times, I just pick up whatever I find, store them (for ages) and then find a project which will work. Y'see, I'm a little craft obsessed.

At the last expat Christmas bazaar, we had a vendor who sold special paints for glass, window clings, t-shirts, puff paints, suitable for adults and kids. Needless to say, I was excited. I picked up Pebeo 'Volume' paint or paints that will puff up when heat is applied. I made a few Christmas craft projects with them and then they just sat in my sewing basket till a few days ago. I found a cute design called Jellybean and transfered it onto a t-shirt. This is the result.

I love it. It puffs up beautifully, colours are fantastic. Now... need to find time to go get more paints....

NB: paints can be found at Le Pont Des Arts Gallery 112-115 Pinjiang Road (off Gan Jiang Lu)

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