Thursday, February 26, 2009


And so I am finally starting a blog - a place to share my thoughts and opinions on my favourite subject - food. Hence the name duriancheesecake. Durian and cheese - two food items ranking very high on the 'Stinky' list, and yet I'm proud to say I am able to stomach-nay-savour both. And marrying both into a dessert wins my heart.

A friend, who is a fan of feng shui, once told me that food and I have an affinity. Perhaps. I hope so. For the longest time I simply enjoyed my food. Delving deeper into it's preparation and the science and art of it gives me a new found appreciation for it and a respect for the people who make it.

OK, let me get off my soap box now and say that my culinary experiments and adventures will never dazzle Chef Ramsay. I'm just a mom with a few kitchen gadgets and two hungry little boys who give me '5 stars' for anything homemade with sugar in it. The husband appreciates anything homemade (especially bread). And so it's with this appreciative audience that I, like millions of moms around the world, do the wok/saucepan and ladle dance each evening.

So, keep coming by and see how this blog progresses.